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Why us?

...because we focus on the WHOLE student, not just their grades.

So why should you choose us from the all the other tutoring services out there?


We are a small bespoke service that specializes in taking the needs of every student and catering to them completely. 


The first step of your journey with us: Consultation

We begin with a consultation over the phone that includes conversation about your child's:

  • Ability: / Group level / Tier. Does your child need extra support, or are they looking to be challenged beyond their school classroom?

  • Topics to focus on: Are there any specific topics that you want your tutor to work on with you?

  • Reports and past exam paper / tests: We encourage you to send us any and all information that can help us prepare the most engaging, suitably targeted and effective lessons. Reports and past marked exam papers / tests can help tutors understand what misconceptions we can begin working on from the first lesson onwards.

  • Educational Background: Has your child missed time at school and why? We also work with students in Pupil Referral Units (PRU)

  • Grades: What are their current grades / levels?, What are their predicted grades?

  • Mental Health: Anxiety, low confidence, self esteem issues,  depression and so on.

  • Educational Needs/ Learning disorders: ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and so on.

  • For GCSE students: Has your child decided on what to do after Year 11? We discuss different avenues that students can take: A-Levels, Courses, Apprenticeships, T-Levels and so on. We can help your child look for options of what to do post-school.

  • Post 16, specific career interest: If your child has a career in mind, we can help shape their journey towards that career by advising what subjects to focus on and what to pick post-16.

  • Personality type and Interests: Tutors at The active classroom Ltd. seek to create a connection with your child from the first lesson, to build trust and help make lessons more engaging. We love to hear about your child's interests, so that we can incorporate them within academic examples when teaching. We want to know what makes your child happy, so that we can introduce elements of this into our conversations with them, and, we also want to know what ticks your child off! So we can avoid that conversation with them and have seamless, unconfrontational lessons.​


The second step of your journey with us: The FREE trial

After the consultation we arrange a FREE trial lesson for your child. We understand that not all tutors, teaching styles or formats work the same for every child, so we provide this lesson as a taster with no financial commitment from you. We do not ask for bank details before this lesson either.


We only ask for your email address, so that we can send you three emails.​

  1. Welcome email: This is sent by our admin team as an introduction to tutoring with The active classroom Ltd. It includes term dates, price list, information on how lessons are run and who to contact should you have further inquiries.

  2. Introduction email: Depending on which subject you are looking to have tuition for, the relevant tutor will send you an initial contact email, introducing themselves and their tutoring experience. This is to give you a chance to know your child's tutor a little before the first lesson and ask them any questions about the trial, easing any of your concerns.

  3. Zoom link email: This will be a short email from your tutor including a Zoom link, date and time for your trial lesson.


The third step of your journey with us: Feedback​

After your trial lesson, our admin team will contact you to ask how your child found the trial session. We welcome constructive feedback and pass this on to our tutors to help continue improving our services. 


This conversation is also where you can request any changes in future lessons, should you decide to sign on with us. 

  • Would you like the tutor slow down their pace of teaching?

  • Does your child require more challenge?

  • Does your child have a list of topics that they want to focus their lessons on?

  • Are there any more subjects that you require tuition for?


The fourth step of your journey with us: Signing on

In this step, we set up monthly Direct Debit payments after you have approved the payment plan. Once the first payment has been arranged, your tutor will begin regular tutoring lesson as often as you choose. Generally lessons are once a week, however you can request more. If you want extra lessons occasionally, for example near exam times, then this can be arranged separately as one-off bank transfers. ​


Your future with The active classroom Ltd.

We aim to have a continued dialogue with yourself and your child about how lessons are going. If you require any changes to the lesson, then please feel free to contact us at any time. We want to keep open channels of communication throughout your journey with us.


Even after your child has completed their tuition with The active classroom Ltd. we are more than happy for them to reach out to us for advice about their future academic endeavours. 


Join The active classroom Ltd family and book your FREE trial lesson now.



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